Installation ============ .. note:: To install RISE in development mode, see the `Developer Documentation `_. You essentially have 2 options: 1 - Using conda :: conda install -c conda-forge rise .. note:: Previously, we provided packages in the `damianavila82` channel, going forward please use the `conda-forge` channel because newest versions will not be published in the `damianavila82` channel anymore. If you are a Julia user, you can also install it from the Julia REPL with :: using Conda Conda.add_channel("conda-forge") Conda.add("rise") 2 - Using pip :: pip install RISE .. note:: Before RISE 5.4.2, it was necessary to perform one more step to install the JS and CSS in the proper places with :: jupyter-nbextension install rise --py --sys-prefix This is **not** needed anymore because those resources are installed automatically by the `` when you `pip install` the package. Disable and Removal ------------------- You can disable RISE with:: jupyter-nbextension disable rise --py --sys-prefix If you want to remove it from your environment:: jupyter-nbextension uninstall rise --py --sys-prefix Alternatively, you can also remove it with conda (if you already installed it using conda) with:: conda remove rise