## Development ***Note*** this page is up-to-date for 5.7 that has a new directory layout; in a nutshell, 5.7 comes with a clear separation between * what is inherited from `reveal.js` with our minor adaptations (the `rise-reveal` subdir), * the RISE extension for the classic notebook (the `classic` subdir), * opening the space for a future `jlab/` subdir that will host the jupyterlab extension. however be aware that the official JupyterLab RISE extensions eventually landed in a separate github repo at **** You can install RISE in development mode in this way: ### Requirements Use your usual package manager to install the required build tools. Essentially you will need: * `git`, * `npm` and `nodejs`, * and of course `jupyter`, * finally `sphinx` comes in handy to produce the documentation. ### Clone the git repo git clone https://github.com/damianavila/RISE.git cd RISE ROOT=$(pwd) ### build `rise-reveal` fetch and patch the source code for `reveal.js` cd $ROOT/rise-reveal npm install npm run build ### build the clasic extension among others, here we pull the code for `reveal.js` from `rise-reveal` into the static folder cd $ROOT/classic npm install npm run build **Notes**: * this is all that is needed at that stage * later on you might want to take a look at `package.json` that has finer-grained targets, that the `build` target groups for your convenience * in particular, if you only need to redo css, you can do `npm run build-css` * also note that you can remove `reveal.js` from the static folder with `npm run clean-reveal`. ### Install RISE in developer mode Second, let's install RISE in a editable form: pip install -e . jupyter-nbextension install rise --py --sys-prefix --symlink jupyter-nbextension enable rise --py --sys-prefix **Notes**: * the `--symlink` argument is meant to allow you to modify the JavaScript code in-place. This feature however is probably not available in Win. * If you cannot use this *symlink* trick, you will need to "re-install" the nbextension to actually see any changes you made on th JS files. * Also please make sure to properly and thoroughly reload your page in the browser; using *Shift* when reloading is generally a good idea. ### Convenience If you change the `less` source often, it can be convenient to enable per-save automatic building of CSS, and for that you can use: npm run watch-less which will update the `css` code from `less` each time a change happens on the disk. Kill with Control-C when you are done. ### Plugins development We currently have a custom plugin for the notes: `notes_rise` If you need to modify this part of the codebase, after you are happy with your changes, you need to login to npm and push the package containing your changes (the package will be build and upload by the `npm publish` command): ``` cd /plugin/notes/ npm login npm publish ``` Finally, you need to update the main package.json file at the root directory to grab the new version you just published.