# Support us ## How you can help us (with money ;-) We are currently looking for a continuous flow of money so we can spend time on a daily basis with **RISE**. Basically, you have 2-3 ways to fund **RISE** support and development: At [https://ko-fi.com/damianavila](https://ko-fi.com/damianavila) you can either: * Buy Damian's some stars as general support (and you will be listed on his blog support page) * Buy a "commission" to support the accomplishment of diverse **RISE**-related goals (see each specific **RISE**-related commission for more details) We **highly** encourage you to choose one of the **RISE**-related available commissions. Press the [![](../examples/commission.png)](https://ko-fi.com/damianavila/commissions) button for more details on each commission. Currently, most of Damian's commissions are associated with **RISE** support and ongoing development. These are just a **one-time** commissions, so if you want to support us in a **continuous/recurrent** way, you can buy us a higher commission/tier (not monthly subscription available)! Btw, buying a commission will allow you to be listed on this page (logos reserved for high tiers commissions). Alternatively, if you don't like this platform (or the associated electronic payment method) and you still want to support us or, maybe, you are a company and you need to process things outside of this platform, you can drop us a DM at `damian_avila`'s on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/damian_avila) or [Telegram](https://t.me/damian_avila) and we can figure it out better alternatives for you. As always, you can also reach us at our public [gitter channel](https://gitter.im/damianavila/RISE) to start the conversation. Finally, a **BIG THANK YOU**!